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Donghwasa Temple Stay

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Address 1, Donghwasa 1-gil, Dong-gu, Daegu

Phone number +82-53-980-7979, Ryeonhwa Hong (+82-10-8225-7445)


❍ Program contents: It is a travel experience finding out who I really am through the Buddhist service, tea ceremony and meditation in the tranquil temple. ❍ Activity and Fee - 1day: 1~2 hours (10,000 won), 2~3 hours (20,000 won), 3~5 hours (30,000 won), 5~6 hours (40,000 won) - 2 days / 1 night: 70,000 won (Pilgrimage to temple, Balwoo Gongyang -communal Buddhist meal service, Tea time and talks with the Buddhist monk, Zen meditation or meditation, thread Buddhist rosary of 108 beads etc.) ❍ Venue: Donghwasa International Zen Buddhism Center (Groups, Up to 200 people possibly attend in the winter ~ Up to 500 people possibly attend in the summer) ※ Temple Stay programs are becoming more diverse by opening the International Zen Buddhism Center(opening date: May 2013).

Donghwasa Temple Stay -


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